Food wholesaler
cosmetics wholesaler
sweets wholesaler
confectionery wholesaler
trading company
General wholesaler
general trading company

Eiwa's management philosophy is to connect the world with a trustworthy network.
We are aiming to solve various problems by delivering high-quality products to the world.
He declares that he will carry out the following initiatives to achieve the SDGs through our business.
Efforts to protect the environment
・Provision of eco-friendly and sustainable products
・Understanding power consumption and switching warehouses to LED lighting
・Promote the use of recycled products in offices
・Reduce the amount of plastic used in product provision
・Switch to hybrid vehicles for commercial vehicles
Improving the working environment
・Recruitment regardless of gender or nationality
・Establishment of working styles through the active participation of diverse human resources
・Implementation of assistance such as complete medical checkup, vaccination, examination, etc. and stress check
・Establishment of an internal control system that permeates compliance awareness
Efforts to develop human resources
・Continuation of employee education system through OJT
・Creating a system to support employee learning
・Implementation of in-house training according to duties and roles
・Encourage participation in external training for managers
・Establishment of employment regulations that prohibit harassment
Contribution to local communities
・Contribute to providing local children with a place to learn about nature and plants
・Active utilization of local human resources by actively accepting workplace experience, etc.
・Work on social contribution activities while considering exporting food products to developing countries

Company Profile
Eiwa Co., Ltd.
Setting Standing: March 2014 Location: 1-4-16-603 Bingo-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka Prefecture (Office)
Chiba Branch: 3-1624-1 Onomachi, Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture (1098 square meters)
Capital : 5 million yen
TEL : 047-382-6637
FAX : 047-382-6638
Bank: The Osaka City Shinkin Bank
Japan Finance Corporation, JFC
URL: https://www.eiwafood.com
Eiwa Co., Ltd. has been selling daily necessities since 2014, and has been selling food, sweets and beverages since 2015.
I am still continuing...